Type Script Tutorials

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Learn TypeScript

I’m producing a premium training course to help you build great software by teaching you everything TypeScript has to offer. You can find it at https://typescriptbyexample.com/

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Software Development Capstone Project

In this project course, the final course in the Software Development MicroMasters program, you will learn how to input, manipulate, and return data with a modern web development stack. Using TypeScript and Node, you will manipulate large amounts of information using a domain-specific querying language. Backend, REST, and front-end technologies will be required to successfully complete the project.

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Introduction to TypeScript

In this course, we will learn about TypeScript, the new, JavaScript inspired language by Microsoft. The introductory TypeScript course will teach the student the TypeScript basics necessary for junior workplace skills. By taking this course you will,
- Set your PC or Mac up to develop TypeScript
- Be able to understand why TypeScript is used to build large web applications
- Use TypeScript's classes and error checking

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React JS with TypeScript Crash Course 2022

This course will explain the React JS with TypeScript. This course will help the beginners and professionals to gain practical knowledge to clear interviews and also to survive in the software development as an React JS developer.

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Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript And TypeScript From Scratch

In this course we will start with the concept why we need HTML then we dive into tags river and will cover comments, page information, document structure, links, text markup, lists, forms and images. We take start of css with why and goes for various types of styling techniques in web design and move ahead with various selectors and design a beautiful menu from scratch and finally end with designing and hosting a static web site.

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TypeScript for Absolute Beginners

In this absolute beginners course I will concentrate on just the most common basics of TypeScript that are applicable to every TypeScript project that you will create or continue from now and into the future.
This course is only 30 minutes long, is very easy and has accompanying documentation that you can access for FREE from the resources so that you can more easily copy what I do in the videos.
Every video continues on from the next, expanding on the TypeScript concepts you have learned so far.

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Understanding TypeScript - 2022 Edition (Paid course)

Learn what TypeScript is, why it really is a powerful addition to JavaScript, what its features are and how to use it! Learn why TypeScript is amazing, how it improves your JavaScript code and how it helps you avoid nasty bugs and errors!
This course takes you from the very basics and its most important feature (types!) to the point where you're able to use TypeScript in any of your projects. ReactJS projects included!
As TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and strongly advertised and used by Angular 2+ (Google) and other popular libraries, it's here to stay. Indeed, TypeScript is one of the most popular web development languages you can learn these days!

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TypeScript for Professionals (Paid Course)

I'm a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for TypeScript thanks to my teaching contributions in the form of books, various videos and answers on stackoverflow.
This provides the best guidance possible for all the ways you can use TypeScript for your JavaScript projects to give you the most chances of success in your professional career. This course is based on my experience in that area and curated based on key workshop insights.

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React - Clone WhatsApp (+React Router, React Hooks) 2020

React est un framework JavaScript open source maintenue par Facebook. Il permet de créer des applications Web monopage (single page application), via la création de composants.
Styled-component est une librairie javascript qui te permet de gagner en productivité et de faciliter la création de composants visuels (UI components) React en écrivant du code css dans un fichier javascript.
Tu as surement déjà entendu dire que pour progresser en tant que développeur (programmeur) tu devais t’entrainer sur des projets réels et essayer de cloner (reproduire), avec tes propres codes, les applications qui te plaisent.