React Tutorials

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The Beginner's Guide to React

This course is for React newbies and anyone looking to build a solid foundation. It’s designed to teach you everything you need to start building web applications in React right away. Each lesson in this 28-part course is a single index.html file. This keeps your focus on learning React, with no distractions.

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Building a chat app with React and Chatkit

This course uses the Chatkit API (deprecated April 2020) to create a chat app with a React.js front-end.

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Learn React for free

The ultimate React 101 - the perfect starting point for any React beginner. Learn the basics of modern React by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building eight fun projects.

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Building a Production E-Commerce with React / Redux

In this course we will build a production E-Commerce shop of mobile phones using React and Redux. This course is fully focused on fast and deep dive into creation of real application with React and Redux. We will start from scratch and step by step you will get close to finished real application. You will deeply understand how to structure your application, build reusable and understandable React component split code into smaller chunks of code. We will write code together in more functional way to make it pure and avoid data complexity.

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Start Using React to Build Web Applications

React is a "javascript library for building user interfaces" from the fine folks at Facebook & Instagram. It strictly focuses on the "V" in your MVC applications, and touts a blazing fast virtual DOM diff implementation. This series will explore the basic fundamentals of React to get you started.

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lab intro to react-js

lab intro to react-js

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CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native

The course introduces you to modern JavaScript (including ES6 and ES7) as well as to JSX, a JavaScript extension. Through hands-on projects, you'll gain experience with React and its paradigms, app architecture, and user interfaces. The course culminates in a final project for which you'll implement an app entirely of your own design.

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Developing Cloud Applications with Node.js and React

In this course you will learn how to develop and deploy full-stack web applications several JavaScript frameworks. You will start by creating backend server-side applications using Node.js and Express. You will then develop a front-end user interface (UI) using ES6 and the React JavaScript library, and deploy your application to the IBM cloud platform.

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Programming Reactive Systems

Reactive programming is a set of techniques for implementing scalable, resilient and responsive systems as per the Reactive Manifesto. Such systems are based on asynchronous message-passing, and their basic building-blocks are event handlers.

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Perfect React JS Course for Beginners

This course is awesome because you will learn ReactJS on hands on. Yes its real more hands on. React JS is made by Facebook and Instagram is using it and React JS is a javascript library. This was perfect course for beginners.

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Learn React Testing

This is a great course for learners who are familiar with React and want to learn new technologies to build production-level applications.

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Learn React Router

This is a great course for learners who are familiar with React and want to learn new technologies to build production-level applications.

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Learn React Native

This course is great for learners who have experience with JavaScript and React development and want to get into mobile development, or for mobile developers who want to expand their toolset. In this course you will learn:

- What Expo and React Native are and how to write an app
- How to use core components in your apps
- Add custom styling to your components
- Use React Navigation to make multi-screen apps

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Learn React

You’ll develop a strong understanding of React’s most essential concepts: JSX, class and function components, props, state, lifecycle methods, and hooks. You’ll be able to combine these ideas in React’s modular programming style.

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React For Beginners 2022

This course will help you get up and running with React, if you are an absolute beginner and want to learn what is React then this is a perfect course to begin with.
We will learn what is React, what are components and different types of components i.e functional and class based components. We will also learn state management in React and how state could be used to store data in our React code.

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React + Redux

Learn to build powerful interactive user interfaces using a popular JavaScript library trusted by Facebook and Uber. Dive into the core concepts of React and Redux.